Tag Archive | burpees

Starting Over

yeah, fun is not burpees and burpees are not fun

Burpees. As you know, I hate them. The month of November I was supposed to be doing a burpee challenge to work up to doing 100 of them by the end of the month.

I wish I could say that I was extraordinarily successful at this challenge. But, that was not meant to be. Instead, you could say I failed miserably.  I made it to the halfway point and then life took a disappointing turn where the very last thing I wanted to do was a burpee. So, after making it to 50, I was done.  Continue reading

Random Thoughts: The Fall Edition

Since I am trying to write a blog post each day this month, it seemed like a good time to do another one on the various random thoughts that go through my head. Nothing in particular other than just the randomness that occurs when I am working out, running, or getting annoyed at work because there are too many chatty men around causing me to be unable to think.

img_0422.jpgSo without further ado, here are some random thoughts: Continue reading

My Month of Burpees

yeah, fun is not burpees and burpees are not fun

yeah, fun is not burpees and burpees are not fun

I. Hate. Burpees. For those who know me well, that statement is not a shock. In fact, it is probably common place knowledge. Despite my hatred of them, I will do them when my trainer makes me do them or they show up in a group fitness class I will take.

Despite doing them (usually with a reluctant smile), I have not come to enjoy them. In fact, burpees are my least favorite exercise. Sure there are times when I end up doing an exercise I don’t like, but eventually I will start to enjoy it. One such exercise was pigeon pose in yoga. I hated pigeon because I couldn’t really do it thanks to having really tight hips. However, the more I did it, the more I started to like it and actually start to crave it, especially after a long run.  Continue reading