The $160 Experiment

My relationship with food is messed up. Due to years of forever trying to get to that “magic” number on the scale, I’ve been “brainwashed” in counting calories. Sadly, this has resulted in just a mess right now.

A few years ago, I saw a nutritionist and started to get myself straightened out on the food thing. I was definitely eating better thanks to seeing that nutritionist and it helped tremendously. I wasn’t eating terribly at the time, but I could definitely improve what I was doing. One thing that did come up though was that I just don’t eat enough. Continue reading

Looking for Myself

img_0422.jpgWhen I first started teaching Spinning classes, one of the instructors that I team taught with had a ton of feedback for me regarding who I am as an instructor. Sometimes, when you hear you got a ton of feedback and notes, it might seem like a bad thing. As though the reason for the copious amount of notes is due to being bad. However, that was not the case. This time, it was about seeing my potential and wanting to pull it all out right away.

Anyway, a lot of the feedback was regarding showing who I am as a person. Making it known in that short time of guiding people in their ride just exactly who I am as well. Sometimes that can seem hard to do when you don’t want to talk too much. It is as though if you don’t talk, then no one will know you are. And it is important in classes to just shut up at times and let the members do what they need to do. Continue reading

F^€¥ you, Cheryl

Monday March 24, 2014 was a “long” day for me. I had two SPIN classes to teach as well as a TRX class. It was pretty fun to have a full morning of classes. I was also supposed to run five miles, but as has happened all year, my running has taken a bit of a back seat to teaching classes. Anyway, that day was one where I could say, why yes I have done my job as a group fitness instructor.

The first class of the day was really great. We did what I label as the “hardest ride ever” which consisted of nothing but hills with some sprints sprinkled in for good measure. There were times I even thought, um, WHY am I doing this? Nevertheless, the class did it quite well and had a good time.

Then, it was off to teach at my “home” club of Lincoln Square Athletic Club. I’m always a bit nervous teaching there because I am around it so much doing my own thing and I know a lot of the people. Because I know so many, part of me feels I need to really step up my game because I know members talk to each other about how an instructor is. In any event, we did another tough ride, but with fewer hills comparatively however we still had some sprints. Continue reading


Lately, I have had a problem getting up in the morning. I think this is because my current job has a “late” start time of 9:00am. Normally my jobs have started at 8:30am at the latest. That start time forces me to get up and do whatever I need to in the morning so that I can get to work and get things done.

In any event, this past week I have been making a serious effort to get up in the mornings to go workout. Mainly because hopefully next week I will have my 6:30am SPIN class that I will be teaching at Bucktown Athletic Club on Thursdays. Anyway, this week I was able to finally get up early on Wednesday to go to TRX. This was probably because of not really being able to sleep of late due to a variety of things that have been stressing me out. Continue reading

Directionally Challenged

Generally, I have a really good sense of direction. When I am places, I can figure out where I am going with ease. However, there is one place where I find myself directionally challenged at times and this is when I am taking certain group fitness classes. In particular, the classes where you are following what the instructor is doing and the instructor is facing you.

The thing about those classes is that when you look at the instructor, that person is acting like a mirror so that when you do an exercise, if you are watching and following along with the instructor, you feel like you are looking in a mirror.

However, in my case, I cannot do this. Well, I should say, I can’t do it all the time. Instead, I am doing the opposite side of whatever the exercise is. At times, this isn’t that big of a deal because as participants we aren’t moving but are instead stationary while doing the exercise. However, it is a big problem if we are supposed to be moving. Continue reading


A recent conversation with a friend early on a Friday morning:

Friend: I’m having one of those days. Where you just feel blah and things feel off. Like, you just don’t want to look in the mirror.

Me: Oh, I’m not going to respond to that.

Friend: Why?

Me: Because you’ll yell at me because of what I have to say.

Friend: Oh, because you’re going to say I look like shit?

Me:, um, NO!

In fact my friend looked absolutely fine. But I completely understand the feeling of thinking and feeling you look awful. Especially if you had a long night from being up late or because you indulged. You probably feel awful as well. Continue reading

Cardio Conundrum

Some things are mostly good of late. Teaching has gone well despite my inability to turn the fans on high at times. And usually at least one person compliments the playlist.

Of course, this has also led me to becoming a bit of a subbing whore. I actually proudly wear this label given to me by a fellow SPIN instructor, though when some people say it to me, it can be annoying.

Anyway there is a point here, just bear with me. Recently, at a training session, my cardio routine had come up. Mainly because I had mentioned that assuming all goes according to plan (i.e, Bucktown Athletic Club is open) then I will have close to double-digit classes to teach at the end of February / beginning of March. I’m pretty excited about this but at the same time, slightly freaked out about. Continue reading

Random Thoughts: The Winter Edition

img_0422.jpgIt’s been a couple of months since I shared with you the strangeness that runs through my head. And since it is the beginning of a new year, it seems like a good time to share the craziness that is happening now. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but as usual, I have thoughts about a lot of things. Such as . . . Continue reading

Focusing and Goals

Questionmark-240x300January 2, 2014 I had my first training session of the year with my trainer and while we were discussing some of my grand scheme goals, the idea of what do I really want to accomplish came up during the session. Before the year started, I already had a running goal in mind. I also had some ideas of things I wanted to accomplish otherwise as well. But now, I need to figure those goals out concretely and figure out a plan of attack.

I suppose the number one goal is to get to the number I have been “dreaming” about on the scale. I’m much closer than I was at the start of last year. And while I should have met that number last year, I’m ok that it didn’t happen. It was aggressive to meet but now I think it can happen.

At my session, we were kind of brainstorming some things I should try to do this year. For instance, one of the things is to go shopping for clothing that is not workout related. I hate shopping and I really desperately need to buy some clothes that fit. Just about everything I own is way too big. However given my past shopping experiences I always dread it because while I may be smaller, things still never fit. So it is beyond frustrating to shop for something new. However, I should probably try to not look like a slob when I am not working out. Continue reading

Come With Me

He said in such a seductive voice. “Come with me.” And so we obediently went with him as he asked us to add a little more resistance to the wheel because we were ready to tackle the hill.

Come with me is what he said as he gestured with his hand for us to come out of the saddle and go to a standing climb from the seated climb we were previously in. Then he motioned with his hand to indicate where our hearts rate was and where he wanted us to take them. Those were the little things he did to make the ride so delicious. Continue reading